
March Reblog: As part of my 2013 approach to social media and blogging I committed near the start of the year to Reblog once every month, sharing others’ musings, experiences and writing.

Though published in February 2013, I read ‘Good Enough is Good Enough’ in March, and therefore despite fudging it slightly, have decided it’s the Blether And Blogger March 2013 Reblog.

I chose Chris’s post because it made me think; it was a conundrum I resonated with, indeed I think we all have experienced this challenge no matter what path in life we have taken; and because I simply enjoyed reading it.

Hope you do too. Kenny.

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Before I start this is not a rallying call for mediocrity or dumbing down. There are many people with deeply held views on ‘good enough is not good enough’. I’d prefer not to offend them.

This a post prompted by frustration. Frustration at the ‘pursuit of perfection’, and how it slows down getting things done.

Just to illustrate, imagine this scenario. You need approval on a business case to start a low value pilot project. People up the chain keep returning the business case and asking for: more data, more detail on the return on investment, greater clarity on risks and absolute certainty on the outcomes and impact. All useful stuff but there has to be a cut-off point where good enough is good enough. The same applies if you a writing up a report. At what point does the effort you put in exceed the impact?  Here are a…

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